VetImport / Image Entry

Are your local veterinarians reporting rabies vaccination information to your agency? Are there outside parties selling licenses on your behalf? These companion services can help get these records integrated with the rest of your licensing data in Chameleon/CMS with minimal effort, allowing you to leverage them for better program compliance and increased revenue for your agency.  

For outside parties that can export data from their own software package, VetImport automagically turns it into Chameleon/CMS records. For outside parties that are still sending you paper forms, Image Entry allows you to batch scan them and send to us for data entry professionals to do the keypunching for you. In the end you get all of your data in the same place to accomplish your goals without your staff having to do the entry themselves.

For pricing information, contact us at (800) 459-8376 ext 1 or email: Sales.
